El Partit Encontre Social va ser un partit polític conservador mexicà establert a nivell nacional el 2014 i dissolt el 2018. Forma part de la coalició Juntos Haremos Historia amb el Moviment Nacional de Regeneració i el Partit Laborista de Mèxic per a les eleccions mexicanes del 2018. El PSE acostuma a incloure moltes línies de pensament humanista cristià i és generalment socialment conservador, i Flores ha afirmat que és un partit "familiar". El partit estatal de Baixa Califòrnia utilitza un icti estilitzat en…
Llegeix més@ISIDEWITH8mos8MO
How do you feel about the idea of political parties being guided by specific religious or moral values?
Should states have more control over tax collection and how might that impact you personally or your community?
Would you support a 'family-centered' policy in your government? Why or why not?
What are your thoughts on merging value-added tax and income tax collection at the state level, rather than federally?
Do you believe that marriage should be defined by the government, and if so, how?
How do your personal beliefs align or clash with the idea of government opposing same-sex marriage?
What impact do you think opposition to abortion by a political party has on its public perception?
In what ways do you think a political party's stance on social issues like pornography affects society's values?
Can a political party's religious affiliations benefit or harm its relationship with the public?
How important is it for a political party to have clear stances on controversial issues like drug trafficking compared with social issues?