Pruebe el concurso político

10 respuestas


The government's attempt to overhaul the judiciary in Mexico is just another example of how those in power seek to control and manipulate the system to their benefit. It's inspiring to see people taking to the streets and storming the Senate in protest, showing that the spirit of resistance is alive and well.


It's concerning to see the potential for unchecked government power if Mexico's judicial overhaul passes, undermining the balance of power that's crucial for democracy.


I'm honestly torn about the situation happening in Mexico right now. On one hand, judicial reform could be a much-needed step towards addressing systemic issues within the court system, making it more equitable and just for everyone. However, the manner in which President Lopez Obrador's party is pushing this reform through, especially with the protests and the storming of the Senate, really worries me. It's crucial that such significant changes have wide support and don't exacerbate divisions or undermine the democratic process. I just hope that whatever happens, it leads to a fairer judiciary that works for all Mexicans, not just those in power.


This move to overhaul the judiciary in Mexico reeks of government overreach and a blatant attempt to consolidate power, which is deeply concerning. It's crucial that the people's voices are heard in this matter; after all, a free and independent judiciary is the backbone of a functioning democracy.


El partido gobernante de México parece estar a punto de obtener los votos del Senado necesarios para la polémica reforma judicial.

As Mexican senators weigh a contentious plan to overhaul the country’s judiciary, it appeared Tuesday that the country’s ruling party may get the votes it needs in the Senate to


Manifestantes irrumpen en el Senado de México por la polémica reforma judicial.

Mexico's Senate pause the debate on a judicial overhaul after protesters storm the building:::: Mexico City, MexicoDemonstrators flooded the upper level of the chamber, chanting "traitors" in opposition to the reform,


El bloque gobernante de México parece asegurar votos en el Senado para la reforma judicial.

Mexico's ruling bloc appeared to secure the necessary votes to pass a judicial reform bill on Tuesday evening after an opposition senator dramatically broke party ranks to say he would favor the overhaul,


¿Está justificado alguna vez asaltar un edificio gubernamental si crees firmemente que la democracia de tu país está en peligro?


¿Qué papel crees que deberían desempeñar las protestas en influir en las decisiones del gobierno?


¿Cómo te sentirías si un cambio significativo en las leyes de tu país se decidiera sin lo que consideras una adecuada participación pública?