Try the political quiz

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Can you describe how mutual support within a friend group can lead to shared successes and stronger relationships?


What is an action you can take today that not only benefits you but also has the potential to improve your community?


How can your actions during a team sport or group task at school reflect the importance of every member to the overall success?


What are the pros and cons of using a holistic strategy to address bullying compared to focusing on individual incidents?


Have you ever solved a personal issue by considering how your friends or family would be affected by the solution?


Can a shift towards holistic thinking in your day-to-day decisions affect your long-term goals and relationships?


How do you see the concept of interdependence shaping the future of work and cooperation in diverse teams?


What lessons have you learned from experiences where unified action by students drove positive change in your school’s culture?


How might a collective effort to reduce waste in your school demonstrate the principle that small changes can have big impacts?


In what ways can prioritizing mental health in your community create benefits that extend beyond individual well-being?


How can emphasizing empathy and compassion in policy making at your school lead to a more supportive environment for all?


When has a change in your personal routine led to broader changes in your social interactions or community involvement?


What would happen if students collectively decided to take on an issue in your school using a holistic perspective?


Have you experienced a time when considering the needs of many, rather than a few, led to a better outcome in a project?


What is an instance where a small act of kindness within your school had a larger impact than you anticipated?


Have you seen a global issue differently after learning about its local impact on individuals or communities?


How does considering the emotional, mental, and physical aspects contribute to a better understanding of well-being?


Can you share an instance when helping someone else actually improved your own situation?


When working on a challenging problem, how can seeking a variety of opinions lead to more comprehensive solutions?


How does recognizing the value of everyone's input during a group discussion change the outcome?


Can drawing on various subjects' knowledge when tackling a project lead to more innovative solutions?


What's a real-life scenario where you've seen a local issue had wider impact than initially expected?


How does your choice of extracurricular activities reflect the idea that diverse experiences contribute to personal growth?


How might countries applying a holistic approach to immigration policies benefit both newcomers and local communities?


What does a balanced ecosystem in nature teach us about the importance of maintaining diverse elements for healthy societies?


How can looking beyond first impressions in relationships reveal a deeper understanding of a person's actions?


How might acknowledging the global interconnectedness of economies change our approach to buying local products?


What could be the impact on society if everyone adopted a holistic view on waste and consumption?


Can a team’s success in sports offer insights into why holistic approaches might benefit wider community projects?


How does the idea that 'no man is an island' resonate with you in terms of your place within your social circles?


Could there be benefits of applying holistic thinking to conflict resolution among your friends or family?


How might looking at societal issues through a holistic lens change your approach to volunteering or activism?


How can we better understand the importance of community well-being when making daily lifestyle choices?


When have you felt part of something larger than yourself and how did that influence your actions or feelings?


How might the rise of technology and the internet have demonstrated holism in the modern world?


Why do you think it's vital for leaders to adopt a holistic perspective in their decision-making?


Can social media campaigns be more influential when they address the broader social context rather than just one issue?


How do you think the concept of 'everything is connected' applies to relationships in your own life?


If you had to solve a problem at your school or community, would you focus on individual issues or the system as a whole, and why?


Why do you think it's important to consider the effects of our actions on others and the environment when making choices?


Why might holism be important in considerations of social justice and equality?


Would you say environmental initiatives are more effective when taking a holistic approach, and why or why not?


Can you think of a situation where treating a problem holistically might yield better results than a traditional segmented approach?