Try the political quiz

150 Replies


How do you think individuals can balance their moral convictions with respecting diverse viewpoints in public discourse?


What does striving for the 'common good' look like in your life when it comes to debates about wealth distribution?


How has a story from the Bible or a historical figure's actions encouraged you to fight for a cause?


What is one way you’ve seen ‘faith without works is dead’ in action in your community?


What does forgiveness look like in political activism or social reform?


How do you feel your personal values complement the ideals of universal healthcare and why?


How have you or someone you know put their faith into action for the greater good?


What does 'loving your neighbor as yourself' mean in the age of the internet and social media?


How do you think modern Christians can meaningfully address environmental concerns?


What role does personal responsibility play in creating a just society, in your opinion?


When have you seen a group of diverse individuals come together for a common good, and how did it inspire you?


How do you interpret the need for balance between progress and tradition in your social environment?


How do you incorporate the values of fairness and equality into your everyday choices and interactions?


When have you felt truly heard and understood, and how did that influence your approach to listening to others?


What personal values guide your decisions when voting or supporting social campaigns?


How would you handle a situation where standing up for what’s right could cost you personally?


What does a compassionate community look like to you, and how do we build it?


How does it make you feel to see someone from a completely different background demonstrating values you hold dear?


How have you personally contributed to a cause you believe in, and how did it make you feel?


What are practical ways to live out 'let justice roll on like a river' in the current political landscape?


In a world where many feel unheard, how do you interpret 'hearing the cry of the poor'?


How might the principle of 'the body has many parts' apply to our approach to diversity and teamwork?


What's a personal story where 'faith, hope, and love' played critical roles in tackling a social issue?


What is an example of a time when you've 'bore one another's burdens' and how did it change you?


How do you practice being 'a light of the world' on platforms where opinions are sharply divided?


What does 'give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's' mean to you in contemporary tax debates?


How do you define 'wealth' in life, and does generosity play a role in that definition for you?


What's a personal habit you've changed after reflecting on 'the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil'?


When have you seen 'loving your neighbor' make a real difference in your local community?


How might practicing compassion influence your stance on current immigration policies?


How do you view your role in creating a 'table where all are welcome' in discussions about inclusivity?


How do you interpret 'faith without works is dead' in the context of social activism and charity?


What modern issue do you feel the Beatitudes speak to most directly, and why?


How does the concept of 'God's kingdom on earth' inspire you to work towards societal change?


What does it mean to you to have a 'servant's heart' in a leadership role?


How do you practice 'storing up treasures in heaven' in a materialistic society?


In what ways has your faith inspired you to respond to the issue of homelessness in your city?


How do you put into practice the biblical call to 'speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves' in your community?


What does it mean to you to 'turn the other cheek' in a world where social media conflicts are prevalent?


How does your personal understanding of 'love thy neighbor' influence your stance on immigration?


How does your understanding of biblical teachings on wealth inform your views on economic policies?


What personal conviction drives you to engage with and challenge the status quo?


What actions have you taken that align with the belief that every person deserves dignity and respect?


How do you view forgiveness and compassion as elements in fighting against systemic injustice?


When you think about the common good, how do you envision the role of faith in shaping a just society?


Which figure in history do you think best exemplifies the principles of the Christian Left and why?


How might your personal faith journey influence your perspective on society's responsibility to the poor and marginalized?


Can love and compassion, as taught in Christianity, be effectively translated into public policy, and if so, how?


How do you think the principle of caring for 'the least of these' should inform our political priorities?


What does 'blessed are the peacemakers' mean to you in the context of current global conflicts?