Yes, Allow the states and U.S. territories to choose to officially become sanctuary states and territories, but the local and state law enforcement agencies should be authorized to arrest and/or deport illegal immigrants who are the following:
1. a member or associate member of the Freemasons and/or any other secret societies and organizations
2. a member or associate member of a criminal or terrorist organization
3. a member or associate member of a foreign leftist political party, all its formations, manifestations, associations, successors, paramilitary organizations, youth organizations, women's organization, front organizations, labor organizations, pioneer movements, newspapers, etc) (including fellow travelers, sympathizers, empathizers and collaborators).4. non-monogamists5. Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and Sikhs who support (in any way) Hindutva of Hindu nationalism, ghar wapsi and/or anti-conversion (from Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism or Sikhism) laws6. a member of a foreign anti-Semitic and/or anti-Zionist, white or black supremacist group
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