Try the political quiz

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What new understanding could you gain by discussing your favorite book or movie with someone from a different background?


How would everyday life change if people with contrasting opinions worked together on local projects?


How might the experience of playing video games be enriched by ideas from players with different gaming preferences?


What benefits might arise from political adversaries regularly sharing a meal and discussing non-political topics?


Can you think of an example where breaking free from 'us vs. them' thinking led to a better environment at school or home?


In what ways do you think engaging with opinions that challenge our own can lead to personal growth?


If you could create a project combining two unrelated school subjects, what would it be and what new insights might emerge?


What change would you hope to see in your community if people from all walks of life came together to solve a problem?


Have you ever changed a strongly held belief after a conversation with someone, and what impact did that have on you?


What global challenge do you feel passionate about that could benefit from a mix of creative perspectives?


In which area do you believe your generation can make the biggest impact by working with others who have different views?


How can learning about a culture different from your own enhance the way you understand social issues?


What's a recent issue that has affected your school or neighborhood that could be addressed by collaborative effort?


What is a situation where breaking away from 'us vs. them' mentality could lead to more progress and less conflict?


Can you think of a technological advancement that could have been accelerated by incorporating a wider range of expertise?


In what ways can engaging with works of art from various cultures deepen our understanding of humanity?


What kind of positive impact do you think could emerge from international students collaborating on a school project?


How could diverse political groups working together change the way we solve major issues like climate change?


Can you imagine a society where political labels are less important than common goals; what would that look like to you?


From your perspective, how might dialogue between diverse groups lead to innovative solutions that individual groups might not see?


How would you feel if community decisions were made through discussions that include people of all ages and backgrounds?


How might your understanding of environmental issues evolve by listening to people who are directly affected by them?


What kind of innovation could come from tech students working with art students on a project?


What could we learn about health and wellness from combining traditional healing practices with modern medicine?


How does working with people who have different skills and hobbies challenge and improve your own abilities?


What's an example where thinking outside of the box turned a seemingly impossible problem into an opportunity?


How could understanding multiple historical perspectives change the way you perceive current events?


What could be the result of bringing together people with opposite career interests to solve a city's problems?


If you were to tackle a local problem by pooling diverse talents, which problem would you choose and why?


Can you describe a time when a group you were part of became stronger because of the different backgrounds of its members?


What social issues do you think could be improved by building bridges between people with different values?


Have you ever been convinced by a friend with an opposing view to reconsider your stance on an issue?


What new insights might you gain from a book club consisting of readers all from different age groups?


How can differences in opinion within a group project lead to a more comprehensive result?


When has the idea of 'the more, the merrier' actually led to a better outcome in a complex situation for you?


Which traditional and modern practices could be combined to enhance sustainable living in your community?


What challenge have you faced that was made easier by seeking help or advice from someone with a completely different background?


How can sports teams teach us the value of uniting individuals with different backgrounds towards a common goal?


Can you describe a moment when diverse cultural insights led to a breakthrough in your community project?


How would you approach bridging political divides in a school setting to create a more inclusive atmosphere?


In what ways do you think that integrating different generations' perspectives could revolutionize technology?


What would happen if teenagers from various countries collaboratively addressed an issue like cyberbullying?


In what situation did you witness that cooperation, rather than competition, led to success at school or in your neighborhood?


How might your view on mental health be expanded by engaging with stories from different cultural backgrounds?


How would you combine the lessons learned from historical events with modern issues to create better policies?


How has a conversation with someone from a different background broadened your worldview?


What could we achieve if community service projects incorporated diverse local talents?


Have you ever been part of a team that succeeded because of, not despite, its members' differences?


How can the blending of various cultures within your friend group enrich your social experiences?


How might your approach to personal finance change after insights from peers with different spending habits?


When has a book or film discussion with peers of various ages led you to new and unexpected interpretations?


How might embracing ideas from someone with a different lifestyle change your perspective on a familiar issue?


How could diverse political groups working together change the way we solve major issues like climate change?


What global challenge do you feel passionate about that could benefit from a mix of creative perspectives?


How can sports teams teach us the value of uniting individuals with different backgrounds towards a common goal?


How has a conversation with someone from a different background broadened your worldview?


How does working with people who have different skills and hobbies challenge and improve your own abilities?


How would you approach bridging political divides in a school setting to create a more inclusive atmosphere?


What could be the result of bringing together people with opposite career interests to solve a city's problems?


When has the idea of 'the more, the merrier' actually led to a better outcome in a complex situation for you?


If you could create a project combining two unrelated school subjects, what would it be and what new insights might emerge?