Try the political quiz

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Can a case be made for extending free meals beyond Year 2, and if so, what arguments would you use?


How might free lunches affect the relationship between students and their school community?


Have you or someone you know ever skipped a meal due to cost; how might free school meals alleviate this issue?


Could free school meals be a step towards reducing inequalities in education and, if so, how?


What are your thoughts on the idea that providing free meals could eliminate stigma for those who receive them?


Do you think all students should have access to free meals regardless of their family's income?


Have you ever felt too hungry to focus in class, and how might a guaranteed meal help students in that situation?


How do you believe your academic performance would be affected if you didn't have access to a nutritious lunch?


If you had to choose, would you prioritize funding for free school meals or a different educational resource, and why?


How would having a free meal at school every day impact your concentration and learning?
