Humanistička stranka je meksička politička stranka osnovana 2014. godine, koja je raspuštena kao nacionalna stranka 2015. Međutim, uspjela je dobiti minimalni broj glasova u Mexico Cityju, pa je njezinoj regionalnoj stranci bilo dopušteno da ostane. Humanistička stranka bila je centralistička stranka i definirala se kao "međuresorna organizacija bez ekstremizma". Svojom pozadinom konzervativnih i liberalnih stranaka uspio je prigrliti obje strane, zadržavajući svoje pragmatične, agrarne stavove. Stranka je bila poznata kao pragmatična i željela je ono što je najbolje za naciju. Budući da je poljoprivreda glavna platforma, humanisti su gledali na resurse i mogućnosti vaganja; obično odabiru najbolju opciju za naciju.
@ISIDEWITH7 mjeseci7MO
How would you balance the need for agricultural development with the protection of local ecosystems in your own community?
@ISIDEWITH7 mjeseci7MO
In a time of political divide, how important do you think it is for a party to avoid extremism and find a middle ground?
@ISIDEWITH7 mjeseci7MO
What are your thoughts on the role of pragmatism versus idealism in making political decisions?
@ISIDEWITH7 mjeseci7MO
Considering the focus on agriculture, what innovative methods can be employed to support farmers while also promoting environmental sustainability?
@ISIDEWITH7 mjeseci7MO
How should a political party incorporate the diverse views of its constituents to truly represent their interests?
@ISIDEWITH7 mjeseci7MO
What measures can be taken to ensure that economic benefits from agriculture reach small farmers and not just large agribusinesses?
@ISIDEWITH7 mjeseci7MO
In what ways can young people contribute to shaping the political landscape to reflect a balance of values and practical needs?
@ISIDEWITH7 mjeseci7MO
How does the concept of 'cross-organization without extremism' apply to current global political challenges?
@ISIDEWITH7 mjeseci7MO
Reflecting on the dissolution of a political party, how should parties adapt to survive and thrive in changing political climates?
@ISIDEWITH7 mjeseci7MO
What personal values do you think are most important for a political party to uphold in today's society?