Coba kuis politik



Proposal Pergantian Nama Jalan Kontroversial di Johannesburg Memicu Debat

Officials in Johannesburg are considering renaming a major street, Sandton Drive, after Leila Khaled, a Palestinian militant involved in hijackings more than 50 years ago. The proposal has sparked significant controversy,


Johannesburg mempertimbangkan untuk memberi nama sebuah jalan setelah seorang wanita Palestina yang menculik pesawat

Officials want to name the street after Leila Khaled, a Palestinian militant who was involved in hijacking a plane more than 50 years ago.


Johannesburg siap mengganti nama jalan konsulat AS setelah teroris Palestina

South African Jewish community calls plan to rename central street near Jewish community after hijacker Leila Khaled ‘reprehensible’