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 @ISIDEWITHtertaut…1 hari1D

Dalai Lama mengatakan bahwa penerusnya akan lahir di luar China

The Dalai Lama's successor will be born outside China, the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism says in a new book, raising the stakes in a dispute with Beijing over control of the Himalayan region he fled more than six decades ago.

 @ISIDEWITHtertaut…1 hari1D

Tibetans <span>berkelahi</span> dengan polisi di luar Kedutaan Besar Tiongkok di India saat mereka memperingati ulang tahun pemberontakan.

Dozens of Tibetan protesters have clashed with police outside the Chinese Embassy in New Delhi as Tibetans living in exile mark the 66th anniversary of their uprising against China