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 @ISIDEWITHvinculado…3 dias3D

O Papa sofre crise respiratória em meio à batalha contra a pneumonia, diz Vaticano


Following the episode, the pope began non-invasive ventilation and was responding well, according to the Vatican.

 @ISIDEWITHvinculado…3 dias3D

O Papa Francisco sofre espasmo brônquico, mas permanece consciente e alerta, diz o Vaticano


Pope Francis, battling double pneumonia in hospital for two weeks, had an ”isolated breathing crisis” on Friday and received ”non-invasive mechanical ventilation” to help him breathe, the Vatican said.

 @ISIDEWITHvinculado…3 dias3D

A saúde do Papa Francisco 'piora repentinamente' enquanto o Vaticano anuncia que o Pontífice 'respirou vômito' em seu mais recente comunicado detalhado: atualizações AO VIVO


Pope Francis, the head of the Catholic Church, suffered an 'isolated' breathing crisis,  the Vatican said today. Francis, 88, has been in Rome's Gemelli hospital for two weeks, after being admitted on February 14 with a severe respiratory infection that triggered other complications.