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 @ISIDEWITHlämnats…1 månad1MO

Bipartisan bill would create "antisemitism monitors" at colleges

A pro-Israel House Democrat and Republican plan to introduce legislation creating federally sanctioned "antisemitism monitors" for select college campuses.

Why it matters: It's the first bill introduced in Congress as a direct response to the pro-Palestinian protests that have rocked Columbia University and other colleges in recent days.

Reps. Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.) and Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.) are introducing the College Oversight and Legal Updates Mandating Bias Investigations and Accountability Act – or COLUMBIA Act.

The bill would allow the Department of Education to send…  Läs mer

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…1 månad1MO

Hur kan rollen som en 'antisemitism monitor' påverka yttrandefriheten och akademisk frihet på universitetsområden?

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…1 månad1MO

Ska högskolor vara ansvariga för att övervaka antisemitism och andra former av hatretorik, eller är detta en fråga som bör hanteras av externa myndigheter?

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…1 månad1MO

Är det rättvist att ta bort federal finansiering från högskolor som inte följer COLUMBIA-lagen för att bekämpa antisemitism, eller kränker det autonomi för utbildningsinstitutioner?

 @ISIDEWITHfrågade…1 månad1MO

Tror du att närvaron av en 'antisemitism monitor' på campus skulle få studenter att känna sig tryggare eller mer granskade?

 @ISIDEWITHlämnats…1 månad1MO

Påve Franciskus kommer att göra ett historiskt framträdande vid G7-toppmötet för att diskutera AI.

In an unprecedented move, Pope Francis is set to attend this year's G7 summit, marking a significant moment where religious leadership intersects with global political discourse. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni announced that the Pope would participate in a session dedicated to discussing the challenges and ethical considerations surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI). This announcement underscores the growing concern among world leaders about the impact of AI on society, and the inclusion of Pope Francis highlights the importance of moral and ethical guidance in navigating this…  Läs mer


CNN säger adjö till veteranankaret Poppy Harlow efter nästan två decennier

CNN is marking the end of an era as Poppy Harlow, a name synonymous with the network for nearly two decades, announces her departure. Harlow, who has been a steadfast presence on the cable news channel, shared her decision to leave in a heartfelt memo to colleagues, signaling a significant shift in the network's lineup. Her exit comes on the heels of the cancellation of a morning show she was leading, highlighting the ever-evolving landscape of cable news and its challenges.

Harlow's journey with CNN began in 2008 when she joined the network at the age of 25, a self-described 'g…  Läs mer


Israel varnar Egypten: "Sista chansen" för gisslanavtal innan Rafah-invasionen

Israeli officials told their Egyptian counterparts on Friday that Israel is ready to give hostage negotiations "one last chance" to reach a deal with Hamas, but if there isn't progress soon it will move forward with a ground invasion of Rafah, two senior Israeli officials said.

The Egyptians are increasingly concerned about a possible Israeli military operation in the southern Gaza city of Rafah and are making a last minute push for a hostage deal that would lead to a ceasefire in Gaza and stop an invasion of Rafah.

Egyptian officials have raised concerns that an Israeli operati…  Läs mer


Ska länder riskera att bryta internationella gränser och eventuellt orsaka en större konflikt för att rädda gisslan, eller finns det bättre alternativ?


Om du hade makten, skulle du prioritera förhandlingar med grupper som Hamas för att frige gisslan, även om det inte garanterar deras säkerhet?


Hur skulle du känna om ditt land övervägde en militär invasion för att rädda gisslan, med vetskap om att det kan leda till betydande civila offer?

 @MandrillEllie från Missouri lämnats…2mos2MO

Ukraina skjuter upp "ballongbomber" i Ryssland

At about 7 p.m. Moscow time April 20, “an attempt by the Kyiv regime to carry out a terrorist attack using two small-sized balloons on objects on the territory of the Russian Federation was stopped,” the Russian Defense Ministry reported on its Telegram channel. The balloons were “destroyed over the territories of the Tula and Moscow regions.”

The Russian MoD also claimed its forces downed five Ukrainian balloons on April 18. "According to Russian news reports, the Ukrainian balloons are equipped with a GPS module and carry explosives," The Associated Press…  Läs mer


Ska internationella lagar om krigföring uppdateras för att ta itu med användningen av innovativa men potentiellt diskriminerande vapen som ballongbomber?


Hur påverkar tanken på att beväpna vardagliga föremål som ballonger din uppfattning om säkerheten i din vardagliga omgivning?


Finns det någonsin en rättfärdigad anledning för ett land att genomföra attacker mot civila områden i ett annat land?


Skottlands regering kollapsar på grund av missade klimatmål

The first minister has ended the SNP's power-sharing deal with the Scottish Green Party.

The chaos unfolded last week after the first minister admitted Scotland won’t meet its climate targets, which had called for a 75% reduction in carbon-dioxide emissions compared to 1990 by 2030 as a milepost on the way to net zero by 2045. The government is all but giving up, abandoning concrete annual emissions goals in favor of vaguer multiyear emissions “budgets.”

A recent report from the U.K.’s Climate Change Committee, a quasi-governmental body that supports climate action,…  Läs mer


Bör klimatförändringarnas brådska tvinga länder att uppfylla sina mål oavsett kostnad, eller är det acceptabelt att justera målen baserat på genomförbarhet?


Vad är din åsikt om balansen mellan ambitiösa klimatmål och de praktiska utmaningarna med att uppnå dem?


Kung Charles III:s hälsa väcker oro när begravningplanerna regelbundet uppdateras

The health of King Charles III has become a subject of growing concern internationally, following reports that his condition is deteriorating due to a cancer diagnosis. Buckingham Palace officials are said to be regularly updating plans for the monarch's funeral, a process that began immediately after the burial of Queen Elizabeth. This meticulous planning underscores the gravity of the situation, with insiders claiming that the outlook for King Charles is 'not good.' The operation, known as Menai Bridge, encompasses a detailed document spanning several hundred pages, outlining…  Läs mer


Amerikansk militär attackerad medan de byggde Gaza-hjälppiren

Gaza-based militants launched mortar rounds on Wednesday at Israeli forces making preparations for the U.S.-led effort to establish a new maritime aid route for Gaza, according to three U.S. officials.

No American equipment was damaged as the U.S.-led project — which will establish a pier a few miles offshore as well as a causeway anchored to the beach to expand access to humanitarian aid — is not yet complete, said one of the officials. All were granted anonymity to discuss sensitive plans.

It’s not clear whether the militants knew what they were attacking, said the first U.S…  Läs mer


Ska internationella ansträngningar för att ge hjälp fortsätta trots riskerna för militär konfrontation?


Är det försvarbart för militanta att attackera utan att känna till hela syftet med ett projekt, särskilt om det är humanitärt?


Amerikanska stridsvagnar dras tillbaka från kriget i Ukraina

Washington pledged 31 Abrams tanks to Ukraine in January last year. The first batch arrived in September. They finally appeared to make their combat debut in February this year, with the first video footage released on the 25th of Februray. On the 26th, the Russians scored their first Abrams kill.

Two months after entering service, the Abrams tanks are now being withdrawn from the frontline. Five of the 31 tanks delivered last year have already been destroyed.

The Ukraines are misusing the tanks.

Its ability to maneuver at high speed and pack a huge punch gives it a battle winning role.

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Tror du att det finns ett moraliskt ansvar att fortsätta stödja i en konflikt, även om hjälpen inte används som avsett?


Med tanke på förstörbarheten av krigsutrustning, vid vilken punkt bör ett land prioritera bevarandet av sina egna resurser över behoven hos en allierad?


Tycker du att det är rättvist att dra tillbaka militärt stöd baserat på hur mottagaren använder det, särskilt under krigstid?


Det tyska gröna partiet anklagas för att ljuga om kärnkraftssäkerhet för att tvinga nedläggning av kärnkraftverk.

Green party ministers in Germany have been accused of lying about safety issues at the country’s nuclear power plants to ensure they were shut down, even as the war in Ukraine threatened European energy supplies.

A German media outlet has accused Green ministers in the country’s coalition government of covering up key technical reports that suggested keeping the nuclear plants open would have lessened the country’s energy squeeze in 2022.

Green ministers at the economy and environment ministries re-wrote documents to falsely suggest that retaining the power stations was &ldquo…  Läs mer


Om du upptäckte att din regering dolde information som motsade deras offentliga ståndpunkt, hur skulle det påverka ditt förtroende för dem?


Är det försvarbart för politiker att prioritera långsiktiga miljömål över omedelbara nationella energibehov?


Tror du att klimatförändringarnas brådska motiverar att böja sanningen för att stänga ner kärnkraftverk?


Polen kommer att överföra ukrainska män tillbaka till hemlandet för kriget

Poland has suggested it will help transfer Ukrainian men of fighting age back to their homeland, as Kyiv seeks to shore up its depleted armed forces.

Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz, the defence minister of Poland, said he was ready to take whatever steps necessary to move tens of thousands of men of military fighting age back to Ukraine.

“We have suggested for a long time that we can help the Ukrainian side ensure that people subject to compulsory military service go to Ukraine,” he told Polsat, a Polish TV network.

Asked if this would involve a request from Ukraine to transport men of fighting age, he added: “Everything is possible.”

It was not immediately clear what steps Poland might take to transfer the Ukrainians, such as deportation or a bilateral agreement with Kyiv.


Vietnam står inför politisk oro när parlamentschefen avgår mitt i en anti-korruptionskampanj.

Vietnam is witnessing a significant political shake-up following the resignation of Vuong Dinh Hue, the chairman of the country's parliament. This development marks a continuation of the political turbulence that has gripped the nation, coming just weeks after the resignation of Vietnam's president. The ruling Communist Party cited 'violations and shortcomings' as the reason for Hue's departure, though specific details of these allegations have not been disclosed. This move is part of a broader anti-corruption campaign that has been intensifying in Vietnam, signaling…  Läs mer


Amerikanska långdistansmissiler misslyckas i Ukrainakriget

Much-vaunted US-supplied glide bombs given to Ukraine “didn’t work” due to a combination of mud and Russian signal jamming, the Pentagon has admitted.

The delivery of the adapted bombs to Ukraine in late January was met with widespread enthusiasm, with military experts suggesting it could force Russia to relocate supplies farther from the front lines.

But William LaPlante, the Pentagon’s weapon’s acquisition chief, said: “We sent it to the Ukrainians. It didn’t work. It didn’t work for multiple reasons including EMI [Electromagnetic interference…  Läs mer


Om du visste att en bit teknik kanske inte fungerar på grund av miljöfaktorer som lera, skulle du fortfarande anse det vara värt att skicka den för att hjälpa någon i nöd?


Global Call for Action: The Plight of an American Detained by the Taliban

The international community is rallying behind the family of an American man, Ryan Corbett, believed to be held captive by the Taliban for nearly two years. The situation has escalated to a point where lawyers representing Corbett have reached out to the United Nations for intervention, highlighting the dire circumstances of his detention. Reports suggest that Corbett has been subjected to cruel and inhumane treatment, including torture, raising serious concerns about his physical and mental well-being. The appeal to the UN underscores the gravity of Corbett's plight and the urgency for…  Läs mer

 @AnteaterCamila från Ohio lämnats…2mos2MO

Invandrare åker till Irland för att undvika utvisning från Storbritannien

The threat of deportation to Rwanda is causing migrants to head for Ireland instead of staying in Britain, Ireland's deputy prime minister told a British newspaper on Friday.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's flagship programme to send asylum seekers to Rwanda if they arrive in Britain illegally was approved by parliament earlier this week and the government wants the first flights to take off in 10-12 weeks.

Deputy Prime Minister Micheal Martin told The Daily Telegraph that the policy was already affecting Ireland because people were "fearful" of staying in Britain.

<…  Läs mer


Hur skulle du känna dig om du var tvungen att lämna ditt hemland, bara för att riskera att bli skickad till en helt okänd plats som Rwanda istället för att hitta säkerhet?


Europaparlamentet kolliderar med Hongkong angående nationella säkerhetslagar och mänskliga rättigheter

The European Parliament has taken a firm stance against Hong Kong's national security laws, sparking a heated exchange of words with the city's authorities. In a bold move, the European Union's legislative body has called for the repeal of these controversial laws, which have been widely criticized for undermining the city's autonomy and the rights of its citizens. The resolution adopted by the European Parliament goes further, urging for sanctions against key Hong Kong officials, including Chief Executive John Lee, accusing them of eroding freedoms and democratic processe…  Läs mer


Blinkens diplomatiska uppdrag i Kina: Söker gemensam grund mitt i spänningar

In a series of high-stakes meetings that have captured the attention of the international community, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken embarked on a diplomatic mission to China, aiming to navigate the complex and strained relations between Washington and Beijing. Amidst warnings from Chinese officials about crossing 'red lines' and the backdrop of global geopolitical tensions, Blinken's visit represents a critical attempt to mend fences and foster a more cooperative relationship between the two superpowers.

During his visit, Blinken met with Chinese President Xi Jinping and…  Läs mer


USA leder byggandet av en hjälppier i Gaza trots utmaningar

In a significant move to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the United States military has initiated the construction of a temporary pier off the coast of Gaza, aiming to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid to the region's starving population. This ambitious project, led by the US with the support of international partners, seeks to establish a maritime corridor for the safe and efficient transportation of up to 150 trucks of aid per day into the war-torn Palestinian enclave. The construction of the pier, which began amidst logistical and security challenges, is expected…  Läs mer


FN kommer att "bevara bevis" för massgravar i Gaza för undersökning av krigsförbrytelser.

The UN on Thursday emphasized the importance of preserving evidence on mass graves in the Gaza Strip, stating that it is unclear when the requested investigation will take place.

Asked about evidence suggesting that some victims were buried alive in mass graves at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis in southern Gaza and what should be done with such evidence, UN spokesperson Stephane Dujarric told at a news conference that "it's important that all forensic evidence be well preserved."

Citing the UN's call for an international investigation on the mass graves, Dujarric said, "…  Läs mer


Hur bör den internationella gemenskapen svara när det finns bevis på grymheter som de i Gaza?


Vilka är de etiska konsekvenserna av att gräva upp massgravar för att samla bevis?


Är det viktigare att bevara bevis för historien eller att använda dem för att söka rättvisa nu?


Hur skulle du känna om bevis från din gemenskap användes i en global undersökning?


Frankrike varnar USA för att placera kärnvapen i Polen.

A potential deployment of US nuclear weapons to Poland would breach key arms control accords between NATO and Russia, French Defense Minister Sebastien Lecornu warned on Thursday. Polish President Andrzej Duda said earlier this week that his country was willing to host such weapons if Washington supported the idea.

Under NATO’s nuclear sharing program the US maintains some of its weapons of mass destruction in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Türkiye.

In an interview with Germany’s Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper, published on Wednesday, Lecornu pointed…  Läs mer


Ska internationella allianser påverka ett lands beslut att vara värd för kärnvapen, eller ska nationell suveränitet vara prioriterad?


Om länder går med på att inte vara värd för vissa vapen för att upprätthålla fred, är det då rättvist för ett land att ändra på det avtalet?


Tror du att närvaron av amerikanska kärnvapen i Polen skulle göra Europa säkrare eller farligare, och varför?


Hur skulle du känna inför att ditt eget land huserar utländska kärnvapen, och vilka farhågor kan du ha?