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How does the idea of 'home' expand when you think of Earth as home rather than just your country?


Could a sense of global citizenship replace the pride you feel on national holidays; what would these new celebrations look like?


What role do you think languages play in a world moving towards post-nationalism; should we have a global language?


How would you design a video game that emphasizes global collaboration over competition?


If your favorite national sports team became part of an international league, how would that change your feelings about sports team loyalty?


When learning about historical events, how often do you think about their global impact, not just national significance?


What does the concept of 'foreign' food mean to you in a world where culinary cultures are increasingly interconnected?


How would you react if international travel required no passports or visas; where would you go first?


How do natural disasters in distant parts of the world affect your feelings about international solidarity and cooperation?


What personal values do you hold that you believe are shared by people around the world, regardless of nationality?


If national identities faded away, what kind of collective goals do you think humanity would pursue?


How does it feel when you meet someone with completely different national traditions, and what do you learn from them?


How might understanding the history of other countries change the way you think about your own nation?


What moral or ethical principles do you think could unite people globally?


How do shared global challenges like pandemics influence your perceptions of national borders?


If there was one global law you could implement, what would it be and why?


How might music or popular media change if it aimed to transcend national cultures?


How would you propose to balance individual freedoms with global responsibilities in a post-national world?


How would you explain the importance of global environmental cooperation to a friend?


How would a global currency affect your personal economic decisions?


In what ways could international friendships affect your views on national policies?


What is one personal experience that made you feel part of a global community?


Can practicing empathy towards people from different cultures encourage a post-national mindset?


How does celebrating international days impact your understanding of global unity?


What aspects of your daily routine do you believe are already influenced by global rather than national factors?


Can you think of a time when you felt more loyalty to a cause or group than to your country, and why?


How could your local environment benefit from a global, rather than national, approach to decision-making?


What role do you see technology playing in a society that does not prioritize national identity?


How do you envision maintaining your unique culture in a community that is not defined by national borders?


Without using the word 'foreigner', how would you describe someone from a different part of the world?


How could the elimination of national borders improve or worsen economic opportunities for you?


How would the concept of 'home' change for you in a post-national society?


What do you think connects people across different cultures and could this form the basis for a post-national world?


How might losing national borders change your sense of personal security?


How does your personal heritage influence your views on international cooperation?


Do you believe global problems require post-national solutions, and can you give an example?


What does the word 'foreigner' mean to you in a post-national context?


How would education systems change if they were designed for a post-national society?


Without national allegiance, what would bring people together during major events or crises?


What traditions or customs do you cherish that might be lost in a post-national world?


How would your daily life change if there were no national borders?


If national governments became less powerful in favor of global governance, would you see this as a loss or a gain?


Would you support a world without national borders if it meant your own national identity might become less significant?