
190 Replies


Would you ever boycott a company you felt was insincere in their social activism?


How do you weigh the value of a good product against a company's lack of social commitment?


What actions can a company take that would convince you they care about more than just profits?


How do you determine if a business's advocacy for social causes is authentic?


Have you ever felt a brand misrepresented a cause you care about, and how did you react?


Have you ever chosen a product purely because of the values the company stands for?


How do you distinguish a company that is performative from one that is genuinely pushing for social change?


How significant is a brand's history of activism to you when it announces support for a current social issue?


Does a business that aligns with your values but has higher prices sway your purchasing decisions?


Would you rather see brands donate to social causes or actively incorporate these values into their operations?


Do you feel a brand's diversity in advertising is a true commitment to inclusion or a response to trends?


How might your loyalty to a brand be affected if they avoid discussing any social or political issues?


Do you believe that businesses can simultaneously advocate for social causes and prioritize profitability?


How much do you prioritize a brand's social and environmental policies over price when shopping?


What's your reaction when a brand goes from neutral to 'woke'—genuine change or bandwagoning?


Would you stop supporting a brand that publicizes a stance you strongly disagree with and why?


Can you share an instance where a company's ethical stance influenced you to change or reconsider your own views?


When a brand gets political, do you feel more connected to them or does it seem like a risky move?


How would your perspective change if you found out your go-to brand stands against a cause that’s important to you?


Would you be more inclined to support a small, local business over a global corporation if both advocate for the same social change?


How does a company promoting social causes influence your perception of the authenticity and quality of their advertising?


Have you ever done business with a company because of their inclusive workforce or leadership?


How does it impact your respect for a brand when it takes a public stand on a divisive issue?


Do you agree that businesses have a moral obligation to contribute to society beyond providing goods and services?


How do you differentiate between brands genuinely advancing a cause and those just riding the social issue wave for profits?


What is your stance on companies that remain silent on social issues; caution, ignorance, or a missed opportunity for leadership?


How do you feel when your favorite brand champions a cause you don't agree with?


Have you ever felt conflicted supporting a brand you love that might not fully embody its professed values?


How does a business's cultural impact factor into your opinion of its success and relevance?


How can a business balance profit-making with taking stands on social justice that may alienate some customers?


What makes you trust that a brand's commitment to social activism is sincere and not just for show?


How do you feel when a company with subpar products pushes a message of social progress?


Why might a company's support of a social cause make you more inclined to purchase its products?


How do you weigh the importance of a product's quality against the company's social values?


When has a brand's stand on an issue deeply connected with your personal experiences or beliefs?


If a well-known celebrity partners with a 'woke' brand campaign, how does that affect your perception of the cause and the celebrity?


How do you respond when you see a business taking a bold stance on a hot-button issue - do you investigate further, applaud, or dismiss?


What’s more convincing to you: a company creating products that embody their values, or one that donates to related causes?


Have you ever been inspired to advocate for a cause after seeing it promoted by a brand you follow?


If you discovered that a company’s corporate philanthropy didn't match its internal practices, how would that affect your support for them?


Have you ever felt empowered or represented by a brand's inclusive marketing, and why was that impactful for you?


How do you think a company's involvement in social causes compares to individual activism?


Has a brand ever changed your perspective on a social issue, and if so, how did it make you feel?


How would you feel about a favorite product if you learned the company behind it opposes a cause important to you?


How does it affect your view of a product when it is advertised as part of a movement for change?


How do you perceive the difference between a company supporting local community projects versus global issues?


What's your immediate reaction to seeing brands participate in Pride Month or other heritage months?


How much do you research the authenticity of a company’s socially conscious stance before supporting them?


Should consumer brands have a voice in social and political debates, or does this distract from their primary business?


If a company’s 'woke' image is revealed as a marketing ploy with no real action, does it change how you view that brand?