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Do you feel your personal health and well-being are sufficiently protected under the current healthcare system?


If you could design a healthcare system from scratch, what is the first feature you would include?


Have you noticed any differences in healthcare service quality based on insurance coverage, and what were they?


How does the notion of 'health as a human right' fit into your view of healthcare regulations?


What do you imagine are the challenges of health insurance for young adults transitioning out of their parents' coverage?


Why do you think healthcare is often a dividing issue among people from different backgrounds?


Can you share a story where healthcare coverage (or the lack of it) made a significant difference in someone's life?


How do you think healthcare costs impact a family's finances and day-to-day life?


What is one change you would propose to the healthcare system based on your own experiences?


How would you feel about healthcare access if you or a family member had a preexisting condition?