Here are your answers compared to this voter’s answers.
Social › Abortion
9>9 Personal answerPro-choice, and providing birth control, sex education, and more social services will help reduce the number of abortions |
Social › Gay Marriage
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Social › LGBT Adoption Rights
9>9 Personal answerYes, as long as they pass the same background checks as straight couples |
Healthcare › Mental Health
9>9 Personal answerYes, our mental healthcare system needs more funding to provide a higher quality of care and services |
Domestic Policy › Government Surveillance
9>9 Personal answerYes, but only by court order |
the Environment › Animal Testing
9>9 Personal answerNo |
the Environment › Plastic Product Ban
9>9 Personal answerJa, nach 2030. |
Domestic Policy › Armed Teachers
9>9 Personal answerNo, this would increase the risk of accidental shootings |
Transportation › Public Transportation
9>9 Personal answerYes, but only if the spending goes towards environmentally friendly solutions |
Elections › Candidate Transparency
9>9 Personal answerYes, and require a public audit each year they are in office |
Education › University Tuition
9>9 Personal answerYes, tuition costs are currently too expensive |
Domestic Policy › Whistleblower Protection
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Healthcare › Healthcare Privatisation
9>9 Personal answerLess |
the Economy › Taxes
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Elections › Political Party Subsidies
9>9 Personal answerJa, aber keine extremistischen und verfassungsfeindlichen Parteien wie die AfD oder die NPD. |
Domestic Policy › Social Media Regulation
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Social › Death Penalty
9>9 Personal answerYes, but only for horrific crimes with undeniable evidence |
Social › Hate Speech
9>9 Personal answerNo, freedom of speech laws should only protect you from criticizing the government |
Crime › Demilitarize the Police
9>9 Personal answerYes, but with strict training on how and when to use the equipment |
Social › Gender Transition
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Science › Nuclear Energy
9>9 Personal answerNo, we should invest in cleaner alternatives such as wind, hydroelectric, thorium, and geothermal |
Science › Genetic Engineering
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Social › Transgender Athletes
9>9 Personal answerYes |
the Environment › Fracking
9>9 Personal answerNo, we should pursue more sustainable energy resources instead |
Housing › Green Spaces
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Social › Women in Combat
9>9 Personal answerYes, preventing women from serving in combat roles is discriminatory |
Domestic Policy › Drug Policy
9>9 Personal answerYes, for most but not all drugs |
National Security › National Identification System
9>9 Personal answerYes |
the Economy › Tech Monopolies
9>9 Personal answerNein, aber sie sollten höher besteuert werden, da es sich um multinationale Konzerne handelt. Die UN sollten außerdem sicherstellen, dass die Mitarbeiter multinationaler Konzerne eine dem Lebensstandard ihres jeweiligen Landes angemessene Bezahlung erhalten |
Healthcare › Marijuana
9>9 Personal answerYes, and legalise, tax, and regulate marijuana instead of criminalizing it |
Elections › Minimum Voting Age
9>9 Personal answerJa, bis zu 16 Jahre für Bundestagswahlen, 14 Jahre für Landes- und Kommunalwahlen |
the Economy › Government Pensions
9>9 Personal answerYes, but only for low-income pensioners |
Crime › Drug Trafficking Penalties
9>9 Personal answerNo |
Crime › Defunding the Police
9>9 Personal answerNo |
Domestic Policy › Political Advertising on Social Media
9>9 Personal answerNein, aber gesichert extremistisch, verfassungsfeindliche Parteien sollten keine Werbungsanzeigen kaufen können. |
Elections › Mental competency testing
9>9 Personal answerNo, I would prefer term limits instead |
Housing › Affordable Housing
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Elections › Campaign Finance
9>9 Personal answerYes, but limit the amount they can donate |
the Environment › Genetically Modified Foods
9>9 Personal answerYes, but require the labelling of foods that are genetically modified |
the Economy › Economic Stimulus
9>9 Personal answerYes, the government should intervene to boost a recovery |
the Economy › Universal Basic Income
9>9 Personal answerNo |
Healthcare › Safe Haven
9>9 Personal answerYes |
the Economy › Government Spending
9>9 Personal answerNo, increase taxes on the wealthy instead |
the Economy › Domestic Jobs
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Healthcare › Single-Payer Healthcare
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Crime › Prison Overcrowding
9>9 Personal answerNo, but we should increase funding to offer education and skill building services for prisoners |
Technology › Data Privacy
9>9 Personal answerYes |
the Environment › Food Waste
9>9 Personal answerYes |
the Economy › Labor Unions
9>9 Personal answerHelp |
Crime › Criminal Voting Rights
9>9 Personal answerYes, except for felons convicted of murder or violent crimes |
Healthcare › COVID Employment Health Pass
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Housing › Foreign Real Estate Investment
9>9 Personal answerNo |
Foreign Policy › Foreign Elections
9>9 Personal answerYes, but only to protect the country from human rights violations by a tyrannical ruler |
Foreign Policy › Gaza ceasefire
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Foreign Policy › Weapon Sales Ethics
9>9 Personal answerYes |
the Economy › Tariffs
9>9 Personal answerNo, a global free trade system is better for our businesses and consumers |
Crime › Private Prisons
9>9 Personal answerNo, private prisons will sacrifice quality of care and rehabilitation services for profit |
Foreign Policy › Mandatory Military Service
9>9 Personal answerNo, service should be a choice instead of an obligation |
Housing › First-time Homebuyer Subsidies
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Technology › Ethical Artificial Intelligence
9>9 Personal answerYes |
the Economy › Welfare Drug Testing
9>9 Personal answerYes, but provide treatment for those testing positive |
Immigration › Skilled Immigrants
9>9 Personal answerIncrease, our economy relies on businesses hiring the highest skilled workers at the lowest cost |
Foreign Policy › Ukrainian Defense Funding
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Foreign Policy › Military Spending
9>9 Personal answerNeither, I am satisfied with the current amount of spending |
the Economy › Farm Subsidies
9>9 Personal answerYes, but only small local farms instead of large corporations |
the Economy › Offshore Banking
9>9 Personal answerYes, as long as offshore income is reported |
National Security › Facial Recognition
9>9 Personal answerNo |
the Economy › State Ownership
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Domestic Policy › Flag Burning
9>9 Personal answerNo, I don’t respect anyone who does but they should have the right to do so |
Housing › Homeless Encampments
9>9 Personal answerYes, and create more social programs to provide free food, clothing, and medicine |
Healthcare › World Health Organization
9>9 Personal answerYes, and increase the amount |
Healthcare › Marketing Unhealthy Products to Youth
9>9 Personal answerNo |
Foreign Policy › Foreign Aid
9>9 Personal answerIncrease, but only for countries that have no human rights violations |
the Economy › Corporate Tax
9>9 Personal answerRaise |
the Economy › Welfare
9>9 Personal answerFewer, current benefits do not provide enough support |
Elections › Right of Foreigners to Vote
9>9 Personal answerYes, anyone who pays taxes should have the right to vote |
Immigration › Dual Citizenship
9>9 Personal answerYes, unless they have committed a crime |
Science › CRISPR Technology
9>9 Personal answerYes |
the Environment › Corporate Subsidies
9>9 Personal answerYes, as long as the local environment is not compromised |
Domestic Policy › Net Neutrality
9>9 Personal answerYes, but only give priority by type (video over images) and not source (big website over little website) |
National Security › Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Defense
9>9 Personal answerNo |
Foreign Policy › Ukraine and Nato
9>9 Personal answerJa, aber der Krieg muss erst beendet werden. Ein ukrainischer Sieg ist die Priorität. |
Transportation › High Speed Rail
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Technology › Self Hosted Digital Wallets
9>9 Personal answerNo |
Social › Teacher and Faculty Diversity Training
9>9 Personal answerYes, and all schools should require mandatory diversity training |
Science › Lab Grown Meat
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Foreign Policy › Two State Solution for Israel and Palestine
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Housing › Homeless Shelters
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Immigration › Immigrant Assimilation
9>9 Personal answerYes, but the government should provide free language learning courses |
the Environment › Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
9>9 Personal answerYes, but only if they use renewable energy sources |
the Economy › Four-day Workweek
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Social › Employee Diversity Training
9>9 Personal answerYes, and all companies should require mandatory diversity training |
Foreign Policy › Netanyahu Leadership
9>9 Personal answerNo |
Immigration › Citizenship Test
9>9 Personal answerYes, but it should only cover very basic and simple topics |
Housing › High density residential buildings
9>9 Personal answerNo |
the Economy › Inflation
9>9 Personal answerNo |
National Security › Backdoor Access to Encrypted Communications
9>9 Personal answerNo |
Transportation › Fuel Efficiency Requirements
9>9 Personal answerYes |
the Environment › Geoengineering
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Foreign Policy › Israeli Palestinian Conflict
9>9 Personal answerIch hege keinen Groll gegen das israelische Volk, glaube jedoch, dass Premierminister Netanyahu Kriegsverbrechen begangen hat und religiösen Extremisten verpflichtet ist. Er sollte zusammen mit der IDF-Führung abgesetzt und für seine Taten verurteilt werden. Ich unterstütze einen sofortigen Waffenstillstand mit der Rückkehr aller verbliebenen Hamas-Geiseln und die Zwei-Staaten-Lösung. Ich glaube, Jerusalem sollte ein neutrales, entmilitarisiertes Territorium unter direkter UN-Jurisdiktion werden. |
the Economy › Public Sector Borrowing
9>9 Personal answerNo |
National Security › Cross-border Payments
9>9 Personal answerJa, aber Palästina sollte nicht auf dieser Liste sein. |
Healthcare › Medical Consensus
9>9 Personal answerNo, only when the advice was proven to harm the patient |
Technology › Social Media Regulation
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Housing › Rent Control
9>9 Personal answerYes |
the Environment › EV Subsidies
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Transportation › Advanced Automotive Technology
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Transportation › Electric Vehicle Mandates
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Transportation › Congestion Pricing
9>9 Personal answerNein, das würde nur der Mittelschicht schaden. Stattdessen solle der öffentliche Nahverkehr deutlich ausgebaut und eine Busspur geschaffen werden. |
Technology › Cryptocurrencies
9>9 Personal answerNo, and underprivileged citizens deserve the same financial opportunities and services that traditional banks offer the wealthy |
Foreign Policy › Saudi Arabia and Iran
9>9 Personal answerYes, we should always promote diplomatic peace talks during foreign conflicts |
Foreign Policy › AI Warfare Ethics
9>9 Personal answerNo |
the Environment › Carbon Capture Subsidies
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Transportation › Carpooling and Shared Transportation
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Social › Frozen Embryos Legal Status
9>9 Personal answerNo |
Social › Student Diversity Training
9>9 Personal answerYes, and all schools should require mandatory diversity training |
the Economy › Surcharge Ban
9>9 Personal answerYes, all costs for a service should be included in the final purchase price |
Transportation › GPS Vehicle Tracking
9>9 Personal answerNo |
Crime › Criminal Justice Use of AI
9>9 Personal answerNo |
the Economy › Cryptocurrency
9>9 Personal answerYes, but only for cryptocurrencies that hold stable value without price fluctuation |
the Economy › Stock Buybacks
9>9 Personal answerNo, the biggest beneficiary of stock buybacks are pension funds and mutual funds |
the Economy › CEO Pay Cap
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Transportation › Designated Autonomous Vehicle Lanes
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Housing › Foreclosure Assistance
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Transportation › Diesel Emission Standards
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Crime › Restorative Justice Programs
9>9 Personal answerYes |
the Economy › Decentralised Finance
9>9 Personal answerYes |
the Economy › Private Equity Compensation
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Transportation › Autonomous Vehicle Regulation
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Transportation › Road Maintenance vs. New Infrastructure
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Transportation › Ride-Sharing Subsidies
9>9 Personal answerYes |
Transportation › Traditional Automotive Design
9>9 Personal answerNo |
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Based on 4 questions that are ranked somewhat important to you.
Based on 10 questions that are ranked somewhat important to you.
Based on 9 questions that are ranked somewhat important to you.
Based on 8 questions that are ranked somewhat important to you.
Based on 9 questions that are ranked somewhat important to you.
Based on 5 questions that are ranked somewhat important to you.
Based on 24 questions that are ranked somewhat important to you.
Based on 4 questions that are ranked somewhat important to you.
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