Try the political quiz

Claudia Sheinbaum’s policies on transportation issues

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average Mexican [people] voter ranked them on the quiz.


Transportation  ›  Public Transportation

Should the government increase spending on public transportation?

  Claudia Sheinbaum voterbaseYes

Transportation  ›  High Speed Rail

Should the government provide subsidies for the development of high-speed rail networks?

  Claudia Sheinbaum voterbaseYes

Transportation  ›  Congestion Pricing

Should cities implement congestion pricing to reduce traffic in busy urban areas?

  Claudia Sheinbaum voterbaseYes

Transportation  ›  Advanced Automotive Technology

Should the government restrict the use of advanced technology in vehicles to maintain human control and prevent over-reliance on technology?

  Claudia Sheinbaum voterbaseNo

Transportation  ›  Electric Vehicle Mandates

Should the government require all new cars to be electric or hybrid by a certain date?

  Claudia Sheinbaum voterbaseNo