The 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings caused several states and cities to pass strict gun control measures. In response, state lawmakers in gun friendly states in the South and West passed bills that would strengthen Stand Your Ground laws and allow weapons in most public places. In 2014, 21 states passed laws that expanded the rights of gun owners allowing them to possess firearms in churches, bars, schools and college campuses. The federal government has not passed any gun control measures since the 1994 Brady Bill and 42 states now allow the possession of assault rifles. In the U.S. two-thirds of all gun deaths are suicides and in 2010 there were 19,000 firearm suicides and 11,000 firearm homicides.
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Yes, require stricter background checks along with a psychological test to ensure mental capability, and provide safety training and education for people looking to purchase a firearm, and increase penalties for gun-related crimes.
No, but at least there should be background checks to ensure mental capability, along with safety training and education for people looking to purchase a firearm, and stricter penalties for gun-related crimes. Restrictions should only apply to violent criminals, the mentally ill, and those who are under 21 from purchasing a gun.
only if they are legal to ow a gun
Yes, require background checks to ensure mental capability, along with safety training and education for people looking to purchase a firearm, and stricter penalties for gun-related crimes.
Yes, and ban them from public use, and before giving authority figures guns, give them background checks.
No, every legal US citizen should be allowed to own a gun as guaranteed by the constitution
No all gun control laws must be abolished except for age restrictions.
No, mentally ill and criminals can also be in danger, and have a right to self-protection.
No, and mentally ill and criminals can also be in danger, and have a right to self-protection.
No, and there should be no restrictions on the process of purchasing a gun
Yes, and only allow civilian purchase of rubber ammunition with the exception of individuals with a yearly renewed hunting permit(and confiscate regular ammunition and firearms from gun owners that cannot pass a new background check)
Yes, and allow only sidearms, and hunting weaponry.
No, only ban guns for those that have a mental illness mixed with a history of violence. Guns protect people when law enforcement can't.
No, all the current restrictions on the process of purchasing a gun should be abolished.
No, it doesn't matter because people will find another way to get guns, but at least require background checks and provide safety training for people looking to purchase a firearm, as well as increase penalties for gun-related crimes. Restrictions only for criminals, domestic abusers, the mentally ill and younger people under 21.
No and gun rights should be automatically restored to violent felons who have completed their sentences.
Yes, but the regulations should be done by the states.
Yes; more background checks
Mandatory training and close the gun show loophole.
Yes, but only by closing the gun show loophole and for the mentally ill.
No, everyone should be armed to protect themselves and their property.
Yes, ban assault weapons and handguns
there should be a mental test
Yes, only people with proper training and a permit should own a gun.
No, everyone has the right to own a gun, but a) require safety training as well as background checks, b) restrictions only for criminals, the mentally ill and younger people under the age of 21, and c) stricter penalties if they use guns as a crime.
No, but: - increase penalties for gun-related crimes - it should be only for criminals and the mentally unstable instead
Yes, firearms should be partially licensed, and psychological screening should be generally mandatory. The government should introduce various other measures.
No, everyone has the right to own a gun, but a) require safety training as well as background checks; b) restrictions only for criminals, the mentally ill and younger people under the age of 21; and c) stricter penalties if they use guns as a crime.
No, everyone has the right to own a gun, but a) require safety training as well as background checks; b) it should be only restricted for criminals, the mentally ill and younger people under the age of 21; and c) stricter penalties if they use guns as a crime.
Yes, and ban all guns from citizen and police use.
Increase mental health funding and get weapons out of the hands of the mentally ill.
Banning weapons won't solve the issue. Increase mental health funding.
Increase mental health funding.
Increase mental health funding get out of the hands of the mentally ill.
not really, except maybe:
1. require psych evaluations first before allowing purchase of a firearm. require a ffl or a ccw permit to be allowed to transfer posession of firearm(with ffl no one has to have ccw. with person to person both parties should have a ccw. this is to keep the felons who are pretend they are not to get firearms from honest people.)
2. police departments should be allowed a budget to keep a psychologist or a few on the team in order to be able to make a call on if someone really needs to have their firearms confiscated. if the psychologist says yes the person should be able to appeal the decision with their own psychologist and allowed to get a court order to keep them. this would have also added effect of having someone to help deescalate encounters with the mentally unstable.
No, and we should amend the Constitution to make any kind of gun control measure unconstitutional and address the racism that hides behind such measures
I believe that you have a right to own a gun but I also believe that their should be background checks on the person first. As well as if the person is going to fire they need to know how to use it.
All firearms laws are infringements on the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.
people should not be able to buy a fully automatic weapon and the government should give buybacks on any fully automatic firearm purchase. additionally no weapon should be allowed to carry more than 10 rounds in one magazine. also anyone caught with a fully automatice firearm or one that can hold more than 10 rounds should be sentenced to lengthy prison sentenced
No, only for criminals, the mentally ill and younger people under 21, but at least require background checks with safety training for people looking to purchase a firearm, as well as increase penalties for gun-related crimes. Overall, we should enforce current laws better.
No, everyone should have the right to own a gun, but at least require background checks and provide safety training for people looking to purchase a firearm, and increase penalties for gun-related crimes, as most people who commit gun crimes do so with illegal guns. Restrictions only for criminals, domestic abusers, and the mentally ill.
No, but at least require background checks and provide safety training for people looking to purchase a firearm, and increase penalties for gun-related crimes, as most people who commit gun crimes do so with illegal guns. Restrictions only for criminals, domestic abusers, the mentally ill, and younger people under age 21.
Yes, but only by closing the gun show loophole. Training should also be mandatory.
No, it doesn't matter because people will find another way to get guns, but at least require background checks and provide safety training for people looking to purchase a firearm, and increase penalties for gun-related crimes, as most people who commit gun crimes do so with illegal guns. Restrictions only for criminals, domestic abusers, and the mentally ill.
No, but guns not in use should be held in a safe, locked space. Parents should teach kids gun education.
No, but at least require background checks and provide safety training for people looking to purchase a firearm, and increase penalties for gun-related crimes, as most people who commit gun crimes do so with illegal guns. Restrictions should only apply to criminals, domestic abusers, and the mentally ill.
No, but at least require background checks and provide safety training for people looking to purchase a firearm, and increase penalties for gun-related crimes as most people who commit gun crimes do so with illegal guns. Restrictions should only apply to criminals, domestic abusers, and the mentally ill.
Reform to a Gun Licensing Program
no but only if there like big time murderers and they should give them there name and be able to see there criminal record but they just have to check if its like crazy and if not then it stays the same
No, only for persons convicted of violent crimes or who are a potential risk to themselves or others (as determined by a qualified doctor or judge)
No, gun control laws should be left to the State and not the Federal Government.
No, and mentally ill and criminals should be able to purchase guns for their protection.
Yes, but only on certain firearm purchases. Require deeper background checks and a mental health screening.
No, but increase penalties for gun-related crimes and have psychological testing for people purchasing assault weapons, criminals, and the mentally ill.
People with a history of depression and mental illness should not be able to buy guns, because it puts themselves and others in danger. Other than that, no
Yes, require strict background checks, psychological testing, and training. Further, there should be a limit on the type of guns sold and purchased, periodic checks, and Ban carrying of guns
No guns should only be restricted to adults only
No all gun control laws must be abolished except for adult age restrictions.
No all gun control laws must be abolished except for age restrictions
No, only for criminals and the mentally ill, and increase penalties for gun-related murders.
No, guns are necessary to protect ourselves from far-right hate groups who are also armed.
Yes, but discrimination, specifically against racial minorities and the neuro-divergent, in the future and current restrictions should be fixed
Support and defend gun rights (where concealed and open carry firearms (i.e. semi-automatic firearms) and other weapons are allowed to U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents who are also officially state or U.S. territorial residents over 21 years of age and are legally and officially licensed, at the same time, enact a type of gun control, where acquiring, possessing and carrying firearms is limited to those who are mentally and physically competent, officially and legally trained and licensed, and currently not members or associate members, fellow traveler, sympathizers, … Read more
No regulation on gun ownership support the 2nd
close gun show loophole, require background checks, psychological test, and training and ban assault weapons
No. While restrictions would be beneficial, the Bill of Rights declared that the right to bear arms shan't be infringed.
Only if you know how to use one then I think you should be able to have one
Yes, by requiring strict background checks, psychological testing, training, and closing the gun show loophole.
No, the government should distribute guns to each household instead.
They just need to do a deep background check and make sure no mentally ill or criminals get a hold of one.
yes, to protect your self.
No restrictions unless a doctor says the individual is mentally ill
Depends what area your going to either way people will still bring a gun and say its a bad area but there's not a big way we can change it.
No they should take away some restriction.
No, encourage strict background checks, increase penalties for gun-related crimes, and regulate private gun markets instead
No, every person in the United states are allowed to own a gun, but there is paper work.
just like automotive matters
Yes but only after passing background checks and psychological testing for emotional or mental disturbances other than anxiety, depression, or OCD. Training is also required.
No, the Federal and state government should pass stand your ground and constitutional carry laws.
'Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary'
No, because that would be a violation of the second amendment but there should be a restriciton on getting bullets because a gun with bullets is deadly but a gun without bullets aren´t as lethal.
No, but close loopholes and require legal documents to be carried around when the gun is on its person.
No, but we should require gun safes with thumbprint protection.
yes because you only need to use a gun if your in danger.
Yes, but not too much restrictions because we should be able to carry them in public places maybe not in super crowded areas such as a large business or school.
No, but raise the age requirement to 21
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